Monday, May 5, 2008

What a Weekend

We have just had a three day weekend here in the UK and I have really appreciated the extra day. Unusually the weather had been glorious as well.

The weekend has been very busy - lots of time with friends and lots to do at home. I still managed to find some time to create so some things for you to look at. Some have gone to their intended recipients, some have not. I don’t think any of the other people I have been making for read this blog – least I hope not or the surprise will be ruined!

So first is a Bella … I adore this Basic Grey paper and this image.

Recently, inspired by Monica’s lovely creations I subscribed to the GoGoGreetings Kit. My first one arrived this week and the papers are lush. I do have to admit however that I struggled to know where to start with it. Inspiration struck however after a walk among the bluebells!
Once I got started I really enjoyed myself. Here are what I have come up with so far

Have a great week. Thank for stopping by


Monica Gale said...

Love what you did with the kit. M xx

Carole Bryson said...

Oooh I love those polka dot papers - what are they ?? Fab cards - as always !

Unknown said...

Thanks Monica & Cal

I agree the papers are scrummy - the are Making Memories 5th Avenue Collection. I adore the colour.