Saturday, December 6, 2008

Journal Your Christmas - Day 6

Here is my journal for today - we were asked to contrast happy and not so happy memories of Christmas.

The Journalling reads

Within each Christmas are contrasting memories. No one Christmas being the best ever or the worst ever, each contains a mix oh highs and lows.

Highs like spending time with wonderful people, the small package at the bottom of the pile which held an something beautiful, a hug, the joy of giving, finding that special gift, delicious food, a touching message from someone - the things which make you feel special and wanted.

Lows like missing people who are no longer with us or just no longer part of my life, lows like being stuck in traffic rather than being where others are, or being too ill to join in with anything

Mostly though the memories make me smile.

Thanks for looking

Happy Crafting



crazierinreallife said...

i feel the exact same way. great journaling

Latharia said...

Love the balance you've struck with your journaling, to embrace all aspects of the holiday ... and that photo backdrop is just perfect.

Kate Lewis said...

I love reading your journaling - very heartfelt and beautifully presented. I totally agree with everything you say - thanks for sharing it with us. K xx